To go with the flow…
Tente, matelas et glacière remplissent la voiture, prête à
partir pour une semaine de vadrouille à travers le pays. Cela fait du bien de
quitter la vile pour aller se perdre en nature. Notre première halte sera à la
mer morte. Le ciel est chargé mais permet de belles couleurs avec pour toile de
fond, la Jordanie. L’eau est presque froide, je ne fais pas long dedans…
Tent, mattress and ice-box fill up the car, ready to go for a week road trip! It feels good to leave the city for the nature side. Our first stop is at the Dead Sea. The sky is charged but allows beautiful colors with Jordan as background. The water is almost cold, I don't spend too much time inside...
Tent, mattress and ice-box fill up the car, ready to go for a week road trip! It feels good to leave the city for the nature side. Our first stop is at the Dead Sea. The sky is charged but allows beautiful colors with Jordan as background. The water is almost cold, I don't spend too much time inside...
Nous partons en fin de journée pour rejoindre les rives
du lac de Galilée et soupons dans un restaurant situé juste à côté d'un lieu couru
par les chrétiens. Ce serait l’endroit ou Jésus s’est fait baptiser dans le
Jourdain. La nuit, le coin est paisible mais je me souviens être passée par ici
la journée et c’est le gros bordel! Des bus entiers de touristes pèlerins sont
parqués à l’entrée payante pour accèder à la rivière ! Le
tout est aménagé avec des escaliers, rampes et barres… Un buisness
florissant. Quoi qu’il en soit, la soirée est belle et se finit à la lampe
torche pour installer le campement de nuit.
We leave by the end
of the day to reach the shores of the Galilea lake and eat in a restaurant
located just next to a Christian's site. It is apparently where Jesus got baptized in the
Jourdain's River. At night time, the place is quiet but I remember coming here at
day time when it is then a big mess. Big buses full of pilgrim tourists are parked at
the entrance you have to pay to reach the river!? The entire thing is fully arranged with
stairs, banisters and hand-rails... A thriving business!
Whatever, the night is beautiful and we end up with our head-torchs on to install the camp.
Je découvre le lendemain le lac avec ses collines l’entourant. L’eau
est incroyablement plate, il n’y a pas une bribe de vent et à 9h du matin, il
fait déjà très chaud !!! Les couleurs, toutes dans les pastels sont
magnifiques !
I discover the following day the lake surrounded with the hills. The water is incredibly flat. There is absolutely no wind and by 9 Am, it is already super hot!!! The pastel colors around us are all nice.
I discover the following day the lake surrounded with the hills. The water is incredibly flat. There is absolutely no wind and by 9 Am, it is already super hot!!! The pastel colors around us are all nice.
Puis nous entamons l’ascension jusque dans les hauteurs
qui abritent la région du Golan. La terre est sèche et dans peu de temps, les
restes de végétations colorées disparaîtront pour laisser place à de la paille
rase, jaunie par le soleil. La route qui serpente est magnifique. Elle offre de
beaux panoramas sur le lac que l’on vient de quitter, la Jordanie mais aussi la
Syrie, derrière les barbelés.
Then we go up to the region sheltering the Golan Heights. The earth is dry and in a short period of time, the rest of the colored vegetation will disappear to leave place to flat straw, yellowed by the heat. The snaky road is magnificent. It offers great panoramas on the lake we just left, Jordan but also Syria, behind the barbed wires.
Then we go up to the region sheltering the Golan Heights. The earth is dry and in a short period of time, the rest of the colored vegetation will disappear to leave place to flat straw, yellowed by the heat. The snaky road is magnificent. It offers great panoramas on the lake we just left, Jordan but also Syria, behind the barbed wires.
Les plateaux du Golan sont criblés de mines, annoncées sur les nombreux panneaux
qui entourent bien des lopins de terre. J’imagine que cela ne vaut pas la peine
de les enlever, surtout si la région, à l’avenir controversé, devait revenir à la
Syrie, le problème serait reglé… La communauté internationale n'a jamais reconnu l'annexion (suite à la guerre de six jours) de cette région par l'état d'Israel.
The region is full of mines, announced on many boards around all the plots. I imagine that there is no need to take them out, especially if the region, which has a controversial future, will go back to Syria, the problem would be solved... The International Community has never recognized the annexation (after the Six-Day War) of that area by the State of Israel.
Nous visitons aussi des bunkers sur des lieux
stratégiques avec bien sûr vues imprenables... Ils sont composés de diverses
entrées, escaliers s’enfonçant au bout de couloirs et déversant des pièces qui
se succèdent, ou cartes annotées sont scotchées au mur. Aux alentours, des
restes de chars, de jeeps laissés en pâture… Mais aussi de sympathiques sculptures
pour accueillir le touriste visitant ce site 'hommage à l’armée’…
We also visit some bunkers on strategic points with, of course impregnable views... They are composed of various entrances, stairs going into endless halls and leading to rooms where annotated maps are on the walls. Around the site, rest of tanks, jeeps are just left there... But there are also nice sculptures to welcome the tourist visiting these sites, 'Homage to the Army...'.
We also visit some bunkers on strategic points with, of course impregnable views... They are composed of various entrances, stairs going into endless halls and leading to rooms where annotated maps are on the walls. Around the site, rest of tanks, jeeps are just left there... But there are also nice sculptures to welcome the tourist visiting these sites, 'Homage to the Army...'.
la vue depuis le bunker...
les tranchées
les entrées
Puis nous atteignons le kibbutz de Rami, le cousin de
Dror, qui s’occupe de chevaux dans un manège voisin. C’est un homme qui parle peu
mais a ce je ne sais quoi qui le rend juste et bon. Les bêtes passent l’après-midi
au manège si elles ne sont pas en balade. Il y a beaucoup de petits et la
saison du rut n’est pas encore finie comme vous pouvez le constater… Les
femelles passent à tour de rôle devant ce mâle (isolé dans le parc adjacent, suite à son état), prêt à chevaucher si je puis m’exprimer ainsi. Il finit par
porter son choix sur cette jument bicolore qui lui est amenée. En deux temps
trois mouvements, l’accouplement a lieu et chacun repart à ses occupations…
We reach Rami's Kibbutz, Dror's cousin, who is taking care of horses in a nearby riding school. This man doesn't talk much but is right and good. The animals spend their afternoons in the arena if they are not on a ride. There are many cubs and the rut's period isn't over yet as you can see.... The female are passing by in turns in front of this male (isolated in an adjacent park, because of its state), ready to sit astride if I may say. He ends up choosing that two-colored mare which is brought to him. In no time, the mating is over and they both go back to their own occupations...
We reach Rami's Kibbutz, Dror's cousin, who is taking care of horses in a nearby riding school. This man doesn't talk much but is right and good. The animals spend their afternoons in the arena if they are not on a ride. There are many cubs and the rut's period isn't over yet as you can see.... The female are passing by in turns in front of this male (isolated in an adjacent park, because of its state), ready to sit astride if I may say. He ends up choosing that two-colored mare which is brought to him. In no time, the mating is over and they both go back to their own occupations...
Il y a aussi des lapinots, des chèvres, poneys et ânes au manège...
Et tiens que je te mords!
J’assiste à la mise des fers qui requiert un certain
savoir-faire. Un palfrenier, demandé dans toute la région, débarque avec une
petite cariole comportant tout son matériel. Il y a beaucoup de douceur dans
ses gestes et ceux de Rami qui rassure les bêtes, parfois apeurées par la fumée
des fers soudés.
I see how the horseshoes are put and call for a certain know-how. A wrangler, asked in the entire region, arrives with is little cart comporting all his gear. There is a lot of smoothness in his gesture and Rami's ones who reassured the animals, sometimes scared by the smoke when the horseshoes are welded.
I see how the horseshoes are put and call for a certain know-how. A wrangler, asked in the entire region, arrives with is little cart comporting all his gear. There is a lot of smoothness in his gesture and Rami's ones who reassured the animals, sometimes scared by the smoke when the horseshoes are welded.
l'ongle est décloué à la grosse pince...
Belle balade dans ces environs au sol sec et jonché de
rocailles ou ne poussent que chardons et oliviers fouettés par le vent et le
Nice ballad in the neighborhood on this dry soil, strewn with rocks, where hardly anything else than olive trees and thistles, whipped by the wind and sun, can grow up.
Nice ballad in the neighborhood on this dry soil, strewn with rocks, where hardly anything else than olive trees and thistles, whipped by the wind and sun, can grow up.
Au petit matin, nous partons avec Rami récupéré les
chevaux qui ont dormi dans la nature, dans un grand parc protégé. Il s’agit de
les rassembler, en partant avec le chef de meute en tête pour que les autres
One early morning we join Rami to collect the horses which slept out in the nature in a protected park. It is time to gather them, leaving with their leader to make the others follow...
One early morning we join Rami to collect the horses which slept out in the nature in a protected park. It is time to gather them, leaving with their leader to make the others follow...
Voilà venue l’occasion de s’essayer à l’équitation. J’ai
toujours un peu craint ces hautes bêtes et ne suis donc pas tout à fait à mon aise.
Mais au bout de quelques minutes, je me relaxe et me sens de mieux en mieux,
appréciant le pas nonchalant et les mouvements de bascule de l’animal. Je tente de me fondre avec lui. Son souffle
est profond. Nous faisons une boucle dans cet environnement austère mais qui me
touche néanmoins car il me rappelle fort la Grèce.
And here comes the occasion to practice horse riding. I have always a bit feared those high animals and am not totally comfortable when we start. But after a little while, I relax and everything goes well, appreciating the nonchalant pace and the rocking movements of the animal, I try to melt with it. Its breathe is deep. We make a loop in this austere environment which nevertheless touches me as it reminds me Greece.
And here comes the occasion to practice horse riding. I have always a bit feared those high animals and am not totally comfortable when we start. But after a little while, I relax and everything goes well, appreciating the nonchalant pace and the rocking movements of the animal, I try to melt with it. Its breathe is deep. We make a loop in this austere environment which nevertheless touches me as it reminds me Greece.
J’aime beaucoup être à dos de cheval et suis enchantée
lorsqu’une fois rentrés au manège, Rami me propose d’essayer le galop. J’ai tout
d’abord de la peine à maitriser les rênes pour que la bête s’écarte du centre afin de prendre de la vitesse. Puis je parviens enfin à galoper pour
quelques tours et aime décidemment beaucoup ces sensations. Je suis toute contente
de cette nouvelle expérience! Merci Rami pour ton accueil et ton savoir-faire.
I enjoy being on a horse's back and am very excited when Rami offers me to try to gallop, once back in the arena! I first have trouble to deal with the reins to make the horse draw aside from the center and gain some speed. Finally I manage to gallop for a few rounds! I really like those sensations and am full happy of this new experience! Toda Rami for your welcome and know-how you shared!
Nous reprenons la route quelques jours plus tard et nous
arrêtons sur la plage de Neveyem ou des amis de Dror ont posé leur campement le
temps d’un week-end. Adi, Yasmin et Soof sont là aussi. Les amis sont bien
équipés avec une glacière XL remplie de bonnes choses, une toile pour protéger
la tente du soleil, des nattes au sol sans oublier les chaises confortables.
We are back on the road a few days later and stop on Neveyem's beach where some friends of Dror are camping for a long week-end. Adi, Yasmin and Soof are there too.The friends are well equipped with an XL ice-box, filled up with good stuff, a big cover for the tent to shelter it from the sun, mats on the floor and some comfie seats.
We are back on the road a few days later and stop on Neveyem's beach where some friends of Dror are camping for a long week-end. Adi, Yasmin and Soof are there too.The friends are well equipped with an XL ice-box, filled up with good stuff, a big cover for the tent to shelter it from the sun, mats on the floor and some comfie seats.
Notre tour touche à sa fin. Nous voilà de retour à Tel Aviv ou de nouvelles aventures attendent !
Our tour is reaching its end. Here are we back in Tel Aviv where some others adventures await!