Apre une halte bienvenue a Karimabad, Harry se prepare a partir en direction de Skardu. Je reflechis car pensais sejourner la quelques jours (semaines?) avant de poursuivre les aventures. Evidemment l’avantage de voyager en jeep et d’avoir un compagnon pour aller trekker l’emporte sur mon rythme lent. Ainsi donc je decide de l’accompagner. Nous disons au revoirs a nos compagnons de route jusque la Johannes, Mark et Maximme.
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After a welcome break in Karimabad, Harry is getting ready to ride to Skardu. I think about it as I wanted to spent some days (weeks?) before going for new adventures. Of course, the advantage of being in a jeep and to have a companion to trek takes it over my slow rhythm. I decide so to go with him. We say goodbye to our fellows until then, Johannes, Mark et Maximme.
Par un beau matin, nous reprenons donc la KKH en direction du sud, dans le Balistan, avec pour destination Katchura Lake. I-pod branche, les magnifiques paysages nous accompagnent et nous arretent a plusieurs occasions pour les photographier.
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By a nice morning, we take the KKH to the south, in the Balistan, for Katchura Lake. I-pod on, the magnificent landscapes accompaign and stop us many times to be pictured
Nous traversons des villages ou l’on prepare l’hiver. Hommes, femmes et enfants scient, empaquetent et portent du bois. Les champs sont recoltes et la paille entassee en hauteur pour que les bestiaux ne la mangent pas. Ceux-la tirent des charrettes ou voient leur dos charges de cereales. Il faut en faire des provisions pour tout ce beau monde!
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We cross villages where winter is prepared. Men, women and children are cutting, packing and carrying wood. The fields are harvest and the wead is put high somewhere to not get eaten by the beasts. Those ones are pulling carts or see their back loaded with cereals. You have to make supply for all those beings…
Une fois dans la vallee ou coule la riviere Indus, les falaises nous enserrent de plus pres.
Once in the valley where floods the Indus river, the cliffs are getting narrower.
Il fait nuit lorsque nous arrivons et il faudra de la patience avant que l’on nous ouvre a grille de l’hotel. Visiblement il n’y a pas foule ici et il semble que cela fasse longtemps que ce soit le cas. Katchura Lake est une destination prisee par les touristes pakistannais, en lune de miel particulirement mais ils sejournent dans le luxueux Shangri-La hotel. Il a une sorte de pavillon de style japonais sur le lac. Le lendemain matin, nous louons une barque pour un tour sur la mare plus que lac.
It is dark when we get there and it will asks us some patience before the hotel’s door get opened. Obviously there is not a big crowd here around and it has been a while like this. Katchura Lake is a famous destination for Pakistani tourists, especially the ones during their honeymoon. But they stay in the luxurious Shangri-La hotel. It has sort of a Japanese pavilion on the lake. The following morning we rent a barque for a ride on the pound more than a lake.
Then we go to Upper Katchura where is found another lake, which will actually be much bigger, nicer and wilder. Straight away the place is calling us. We go through the charming village. We will have to let the car and the ‘main street’, surrounded by two stony walls is very narrow. It is actually more a path than a proper road. The cattle of sheeps and goats, followed by their little ones, are wandering around and scattered their little black shits everywhere. The fields are spreading out in terraces and a few cows are eating here and there, totally free. A spring is running along the path, sheltered by some trees whistling with the wind. There are some big rocks like put there in the middle of the fields and the path is easy to follow on the short grass. The houses have a flat rood and are done of stones and wood. It is really bucolic.
The discovery of the lake is also seducing and because of its clear waters, the yellowing trees around or the ‘Hobbitstyle’ village… It is decided, we will camp here tonight. We just have to find the right spot. And this will be in the restaurant garden where we eat, with a great view on the lake and the surrounding mountains.