Il y a de larges avenues bordees d'arbres creant de l'ombre pour de, ma foi, belles ballades a la decouverte succinte de la ville...
De nombreux parcs accueillent le passant et ils portent des noms tels que Rose, Bougainvillers ou Rock Garden. Et c'est la que je propose de vous emmener. Un artiste, Nick Chand, a amenage cet espace en n'utilisant que des materiaux recuperes ici et la. Nous l'avions decouvert a Paris (avec Claire, Daniele et Henriette) et j'ai pense que l'excursion en vaudrait la peine... Ce n'est qu'a 4h de Delhi, ou je suis depuis quelques jours deja, essayant de recolter des informations pour d'autres projets...
Mais allons a la decouverte du Rock Garden car l'ambiance y est forte sympathique.
Il faut faire une sorte de parcours menant d'un tableau a un autre.
I stop for a couple of days at Chandigarh, the famous city built by Le Corbusier. You will find large avenues here, bordered with trees providing shade for some nice ballads to the short discovery of the city.
There are numerous parks welcoming the passer-by and they have got names like Rose, Bougainvillers or Rock Garden. And it is where I am gonna take you. An artist, Nick Chand created it with left others pieces and objects he found here and there. We discovered him (with Clara, Henriette and Daniele) in Paris during one if its exhibition and I thought it would be nice to give a look... It is only 4 hours away from Delhi where I am since a few days already, trying to collect informations about another project (buisness visa or student visa for a longer stay next time... But indian administration...)
But let's go to discover the Rock's Garden as the atmosphere is pretty nice there. We have to follow sort of a route which makes us see all kind of different pictures.
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